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Monday 19 December 2011

Reflection for Our Lesson

Adobe Photoshop

In this subject, we learned the new lesson which is adobe Photoshop. We think that adobe Photoshop is amazing thing ever we have learned. We try many application of it to use through instructions from our beloved lecturer, Madam Sharifah Sariah.

We learn how to beautify the image and renew the picture. Renewal picture to become a fake picture like people always do nowadays. But, they do in other to full their bad intention to others or what we known as ‘fitnah’. Pity to them who are abused their knowledge.

Based on skill to renew a picture, we do the poster which is a part of our task in this subject. Of course to design an interesting and attracting poster is difficult to do. Many trials and obstacles we had to face in order to produce a quality poster.

Firstly, we face the difficulty to select the appropriate title. But, Alhamdulillah, our group give cooperation to come up with brilliant idea to create a poster based the theme ‘we never walk alone’.

Secondly, we are difficult to find suitable view for our poster. After several days of thinking, one of us suggested to try finding the suitable view at her hometown, Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Alhamdulillah, our efforts are not in vain. We found successfully the view and our lecturer also love it.

Thirdly, after we have all things to design a poster, we face the difficulty to make our poster really attracting. We know, the color must suitable and we need to find a suitable one. In this stage, we really use the knowledge that we learn from Madam Sharifah. We use many applications of color at adjustments. Finally, after the several times we consult with Madam Sharifah, our poster already done. Even it not superb likes others but we really satisfied because we use the best efforts to create it.

Before it, we get some comments from Madam Sharifah, and it very helpful. Thank you so much Madam. Even though we must keep repeating to edit it but we know it is part of learning theories, behaviorism that we learn at the beginning of class. 

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