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Saturday 24 September 2011

Learning Theories

Today is our first time we attend the instructional technology class which teach by Madam Sharifah Sariah bt Syed Hassan.She starts the class with asking us about Rasulullah and revelation that accepted by Him.

Madam also give us tips to attrack students in the classroom such as give good response to students who are asking eventhough their question is not related with your lesson.

Our first lesson today is "Learning Theories".It was devide into three branches which are behaviourism,cognitivism and constructivism.

Behaviourism means learn from behaviour through repeatations,reinforcement and stimulus and response.We also know Skinner and Pavlor who are people related to behaviourism.

The second theories is cognitivism.In this theory we will think before learn through acquire knowledge,memorize,solve the problem,mental schemata and many more.Piaget and Bruner are the person who are related to this theory.

The last branches of Learning Theories is constructivism.We learn this theory through process of discover and experiental.One of the person who studied this theory was Lev Vygotsky.

So,at the end of the class,we get something from this lesson and can recall this theories that we have learn before.